powering electrical careers since 1992

We train. We develop.

We give you space to grow.

Our team makes big, complicated, important projects achievable every day. We believe the most valuable thing we can offer our customers is the best team we can put together for them. We constantly seek exceptional electricians who challenge the limits of safety, quality, and service. We give you the opportunity to work with the right people beside you and the wrong people out of the way.

Because Game Recognizes Game

Attracting the best people attracts the best customers. We are building a unique team of professional electricians at every level with in-demand skills that our customers value. We are committed to offering our electricians more than just a job; we strive to provide them with a lasting and fulfilling career. Our mission is your mission.



AEI works on projects across the country and around the world. We are dedicated to your development as a professional. Challenging you to become the best in the industry helps us be the best for our customers.


Our reputation is built on long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with some of the largest, most successful, and well-respected commercial, government, and military customers around the world.


These are the things we value in growing our team: Attack challenges. Strive for growth. Crave to learn. Build a career. Strength through diversity.


Our teams are some of the best-trained and supported in the industry. In a world where contact with electricity is a leading cause of workplace injury & fatality, our focus on safety saves time, money, and lives.


We’ve had a hand in some of the biggest projects ever imagined. From one of the largest cruise terminals in the world to military installations supporting national security. From international airline projects to launch complexes for space exploration.


We seek out the challenging projects. We actively recruit, prepare, train, and support teams who not only thrive in that environment, but crave that demanding test. This builds our reputation and yours.

There is a better path to empower your career and grow your life!

Global volume of construction expected to grow

0 %

by 20301

Electrician jobs expected to grow

0 %

in the U.S. by 20312

More than


electrician jobs added in the U.S. by 20312

Let's Get to Work

Join the AEI team and jumpstart your electrical career today!